Surgical instructions

Surgical instructions

General information

The Signed Quotation and Consent to surgery form must be returned 2 weeks prior to surgery. Without it the procedure will not continue.

Please go for a diagnostic audiogram and speech within 30 days and up to a minimum of 7 days prior to your scheduled surgery (unless otherwise instructed).

Please send the report to at least 1 week prior to surgery.

Please do not eat or drink anything 6 hours prior to your scheduled surgery time. 

Admission time is at 6:00 AM on the day of surgery (unless otherwise instructed).

Please bring along all chronic medication in original packaging.

IMPORTANT – All medication allergies must be communicated to the practice prior to surgery as well as the ward on the day of admission to hospital.

IMPORTANT – If you are using any blood thinning or anti-inflammatory medication, please communicate with the practice at least 10 days prior to surgery. Some blood thinning and anti-inflammatory medications must be discontinued or replaced prior to surgery therefor it is very important to communicate with the practice. Please discontinue taking any omega 3 and 6 supplements 10 days prior to surgery. You may continue this supplement after surgery.


The pre-admission process can be done online at

All surgical procedures take place at Netcare Christiaan Barnard Memorial Hospital ( unless otherwise instructed).